3 01, 2017

All parties agree: Education without Christianity is “repugnant”

By |2017-09-27T08:21:59-07:00January 3rd, 2017|Education & Schools|2 Comments

All parties agree:  Education without Christianity is “repugnant”–so says the Supreme Court!  Rather surprising wouldn’t you say?  The notion that Christianity, actively teaching and promoting Biblical principles, would be allowed within a government-run school is ridiculous, right?  “That’s not constitutional!” … “It’s a violation of the separation of Church and State!”  Think again!  We may [...]

6 12, 2016

Questions on Homosexuality

By |2017-09-27T08:21:59-07:00December 6th, 2016|Popular & Christian Culture|0 Comments

"Hey Dad, I'm Puzzled" - A Dad's Biblical response to his son's question on Homosexuality Many have commented that this is perhaps the finest article addressing the issue of homosexuality that they have ever read.  Whether it is or not, you can be the judge; that's certainly not the point.  Providing a compassionate, truth-filled, redemptive discussion [...]

30 11, 2016

A Golden Door of Opportunity

By |2017-09-27T08:21:59-07:00November 30th, 2016|Godly History & Good News|0 Comments

America did not become the world’s greatest superpower by accident. The principles that were sown into the fabric and foundation of our society are in large part what have enabled America to become the most prosperous, freest nation on the earth, with the most enduring constitutional government known to man. Is she perfect? No, and [...]

15 11, 2016

Old Deluder Satan Law

By |2017-09-27T08:22:00-07:00November 15th, 2016|Education & Schools|0 Comments

The Conspiracy to Withhold the Truth - The Old Deluder Satan Law The election is over.  Trump won.  Some people are giddy, others despondent and freaking out, but if there is a common denominator it seems to have come as a shock to nearly everyone – both to his supporters, as well the detractors.  Why?  Well, [...]

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